Predicting the success of the government’s program of lomaya (Regional PKH) in reducing poverty

Ruhmi Sulaehani(1); Marniyati Husain Botutihe(2*);

(1) Universitas Pohuwato
(2) Universitas Pohuwato
(*) Corresponding Author



Poverty reduction is one indicator of the success of development. The form of support from the Pohuwato Regency Government through the Social Service is to organize PKH-D, which is known as LOMAYA. It is one of the implementations of the Community Movement Towards Independent Prosperity (Gerakan Masyarakat Menuju Sejahtera Mandiri). This research was conducted to assist the government in predicting the level of development success indicated by the satisfaction of beneficiaries of lomaya. The method employed was the Naïve Bayes method and forward feature selection. The research data was obtained from a survey of lomaya beneficiaries in the last two years. The accuracy result obtained using the Naïve Bayes algorithm was 94.19%, while Naïve Bayes with the Forward Selection feature was only 94.03%. Therefore, the Naïve Bayes algorithm method is better than the Forward Selection based Naïve Bayes algorithm. Forward selection does not improve accuracy because the selection process causes many attributes to be discarded because they are considered irrelevant. This happened because of the inaccuracy of the data after being selected for its attributes using the Forward Selection feature resulting 1 attribute  only as a determinant.


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