Ripeness identification of chayote fruits using HSI and LBP feature extraction with KNN classification

Siska Anraeni(1*); Erika Riski Melani(2); Herman Herman(3);

(1) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(2) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(3) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to build a system to identify the ripeness level of chayote that can be done easily and without damaging the quality of the chayote. This study employs digital image processing technology using Hue Saturation Intensity color feature extraction and texture feature extraction of Local Binary Pattern with K-Nearest Neighbor classification so that the process of identifying the ripeness level of chayote will be easier and more effective. This study uses 100 image datasets and is carried out by taking photos of chayote. The stages in this study include the input of chayote images followed by the image pre-processing stage. Next is feature extraction which is divided into three scenarios, namely HSI feature extraction, LBP feature extraction and a combination of the two feature extractions. The final stage is to classify objects that are closest to the object being tested using the KNN method. By determining the value of K in the KNN classification method, the results show that the use of the Chebyshev distance calculation model in LBP feature extraction with K = 5 is a test that has the best accuracy of 90%.


hue saturation intensity; local binary patern; K-Nearest Neighbor; chayote fruits


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