Comparative analysis of Fuzzy Tsukamoto's membership functions for determining irrigated rice field feasibility status

Ummi Syafiqoh(1*); Anton Yudhana(2); Sunardi Sunardi(3);

(1) STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati
(2) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
(3) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
(*) Corresponding Author



The representation of the fuzzy set membership curve consisting of trapezoidal, triangular, and linear shapes, has an important role in the fuzzy logic system. The selection of the curve's shapes determines the useable membership function and affects the fuzzy output value. Previous studies generally used curves that had been employed in predecessors or other studies that did not explain the reason for choosing a fuzzy member curve. This condition became problem because there was not a guide in selecting the appropriate membership function model for the parameters used in the fuzzy process so that most researchers only use membership functions that are commonly used in previous studies or in the same case as their research. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of selecting trapezoidal and triangular curves on the performance of Tsukamoto's fuzzy logic for determining the rice-fields suitability status. The research methodology comprised 3 main stages. The first stage was data collecting, to collect soil pH values, soil moisture, and air temperature in rice fields. The second stage was the implementation of the Tsukamoto fuzzy. At this stage, two membership function curves were used. The third stage was a comparative analysis of Tsukamoto's fuzzy's output of trapezoidal and triangular curves. The results obtained indicate that there is no significant performance difference between the two different membership functions. The results of the research with the trapezoidal membership function have a better accuracy rate of 93% while the triangular membership function has an accuracy rate of 90%.


Membership Function; Fuzzy Logic; Fuzzy Tsukamoto; Fuzzy Inference System; Comparative Analysis


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