Semantic segmentation of pendet dance images using multires U-Net architecture

Hendri Ramdan(1*); Moh. Arief Soeleman(2); Purwanto Purwanto(3); Bahtiar Imran(4); Ricardus Anggi Pramunendar(5);

(1) Dian Nuswantoro University
(2) Dian Nuswantoro University
(3) Dian Nuswantoro University
(4) Mataram Technology of University
(5) Dian Nuswantoro University
(*) Corresponding Author



As a cultural heritage, traditional dance must be protected and preserved. Pendet dance is a traditional dance from Bali, Indonesia. Dance recognition raises a complex problem for computer vision research because the features representing the dancer must focus on the dancer's entire body. This can be done by performing a segmentation task process. One type of segmentation task in computer vision is the semantic segmentation. Mask R-CNN and U-NET were employed in this task. Since it was first introduced in 2015, semantic segmentation using the U-Net architecture has been widely adopted, developed, and modified. One of the new architectures applied is the MultiRes UNet. This study carries out a semantic segmentation task on the Balinese Pendet dance image using the MultiRes UNet architecture by changing the value of α (alpha) to obtain the best results. This architectural is evaluated by DC score, Jaccard index, and MSE. In this dataset, the alpha value of 1.9 resulted in the best score for DC and the Jaccard index with 98.47% and 99.23% respectively. On the other hand, an alpha value of 1.8 obtained the best score of MSE with 8.20E-04.


Semantic Segmentation; U-Net; MultiRes Unet; Deep Learning; Balinese Pendet Dance.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Hendri Ramdan, Moh. Arief Soeleman, Purwanto Purwanto, Bahtiar Imran, Ricardus Anggi Pramunendar

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