User’s Satisfaction Analysis of the Academic Information Systems Quality using the Modified Webqual 4.0 Method and Importance-Performance Analysis

Aang Anwarudin(1*); Abdul Fadlil(2); Anton Yudhana(3);

(1) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55166
(2) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55166
(3) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55166
(*) Corresponding Author



Currently, the academic information system (AIS) at universities processes academic data to facilitate student’s activities. AIS was developed to provide maximum service to students. To optimize the use of information technology and to ensure the appropriateness of the provided AIS services, it is necessary to examine the level of service provided to improve quality. This study aimed to analyze the level of AIS service quality based on user perceptions and expectations. Dissemination of online questionnaires using Google Forms with a total of 100 students as respondents. This study used the modified Webqual 4.0 method as an indicator in the preparation of the questionnaire and the importance-performance analysis (IPA) method as an analysis method. The results of data were classified based on the percentage of user’s satisfaction with AIS services with three classifications, namely good, moderate, and poor. The results of the IPA analysis showed that the AIS had good quality. The results obtained from the analysis of the quality of the AIS system had a conformity level of 90.90%, where respondents perceived close to satisfaction with AIS services. The gap level was -0.3281 which was the result of the perception/performance of the AIS that was not in line with the expectations of the user. The results of this study contribute to Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong as reference material and evaluation of AIS system services in the future.


Academic Information System; AIS; User Satisfaction; Importance-Performance Analysis; Web Quality.


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