The Application of Weighted Ranking Method Using Combination of ROC and CPI to Select Eligible Family for Keluarga Harapan Program Aids

Aishiyah Saputri Laswi(1*); Ulvah Ulvah(2); Dasril Dasril(3);

(1) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo
(2) University Cokroaminoto Palopo
(3) University Cokroaminoto Palopo
(*) Corresponding Author



The Keluarga Harapan Program (KHP), a financial assistance, is a program launched by the government to deal with poverty in various regions of Indonesia by conducting direct surveys and collecting data on disadvantaged families in each region. However, the issue is that many recipients do not meet the appropriate criteria or are not categorized as recipients. The Composite Performance Index and Rank Centeroid algorithms are a solution in the selection process for the recipients for the KHP by carrying out the analysis and comparison stages of whether they are categorized as KM (Disadvantage Families) through several stages. The results obtained based on analysis for recipient selection with a minimum performance index coverage value of 70% can be categorized as eligible to receiv assistance. In this study, 50 KM data samples were taken with the highest assessment value 128.41. In the top tenth ranking of the highest score from the 50 data held indicated that they were truly entitled to receive PKH KM financial assistance. Before using this method, only around 40% was eligible recipients.


Algorithm; Composite Performance Index; Rank Order Centeriod; Selection Recipients


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