Analysis of Twitter User Sentiment on Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Rudi Setiawan(1*); Fitria Dewi(2);

(1) Universitas Trilogi
(2) Universitas Trilogi
(*) Corresponding Author



Indonesian hold presidential election in 2024. One of the most discussed topics by public is the presidential candidates. The discussion about the presidential candidate certainly reaped various kinds of responses from public, ranging from support to statements of disapproval. This research was limited to the candidacy of Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate before a vice president candidate as his pair was selected. The purpose of this study is to conduct a sentiment analysis of public responses regarding Indonesia 2024 presidential candidate Anies Baswedan using tweets data from October 2022 to January 2023 using the naïve bayes classifier algorithm. This is expected to provide an overview of the public opinions on Twitter. Three test models were carried out with differences in the division of the amount of training data and test data, respectively 60%:40%, 70%:30% and 80%:20%. The test results showed the highest accuracy level was obtained by the 3rd model using training and testing data of 80%:20% with an accuracy value of 76.21%. Further research is recommended to conduct sentiment analysis on the pairs of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates who have been officially registered with the General Election Commission using various other classification algorithms.


Anies Baswedan; Naïve Bayes; Presidential Candidate; Sentiment Analysis


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