Classification of Coffee Bean Defects Using Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and K-Nearest Neighbor

Mila Jumarlis(1*); Mirfan Mirfan(2); Abdul Rachman Manga(3);

(1) STAIN Majene
(2) STMIK Handayani
(3) Univeristas Muslim Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



Defects in coffee beans can significantly affect the quality of coffee production so that defects in coffee beans can cause a decreasing the level of coffee production. The purpose of this study is to implement the GLCM (gray-level co-occurrence matrix) and the K-NN (k-nearest neighbor) method on a web-based program and provided a website to detect coffee bean defects. This study uses the GLCM algorithm to extract the features of the coffee images and uses the K-NN algorithm to classify the defect level of coffee beans. The system development was built using Unified Modeling Language. The development of this website was utilized the programming structure of PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Mozilla Firefox as a browser for the website and MySql for the database management systems. The results show that the system can provide the output in the form of a classification level of the defect level of the coffee bean images. Then, the accuracy of the coffee bean defect assessment was achieved by 90%. Finally, this study concluded that the proposed system could help the coffee farmers determine the defect level of the coffee beans using images input.


Coffee beans; Digital Image; GLCM; Classification; K-NN


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