The Effect of The Prediction of The K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm on Surviving COVID-19 Patients in Indonesia

Aris Martono(1); Henderi Henderi(2*); Giandari Maulani(3);

(1) Universitas Raharja
(2) Universitas Raharja
(3) Universitas Raharja
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to measure the prediction of survival of covid-19 patients with the best algorithm based on RMSE(Root Mean Square Error). The Covid-19 pandemic has lasted from December 2019 until now and is full of uncertainty about when this pandemic will end, so this research was carried out. In this study, the knowledge discovery database method was used by extracting data sets from Covid-19 patients from March 2020 to March 2021 for each province in Indonesia (Dataset from Kawal Covid-19 SintaRistekbrin) to predict survival during this pandemic as measured by the best algorithms include k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor), SVM (Support Vector Machine), and/or Deep Learning. The measurement results using cross-validation and the optimal number of folds is 3 in the form of RSME, showing that the k-NN algorithm is an algorithm with RSME 0.101 +/-0.23 where the error rate is the lowest compared to the two algorithms above. Therefore, the k-NN algorithm was chosen as the algorithm for the predictive measurement of surviving Covid-19 patients.


Deep Learning; k-Nearest Neighbor; RMSE; Support Vector Machine


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