The Determination of Dawn Time through Image Processing Camera

Harry Ramza(1*); Tossa Hario Yudhanto(2); Dedy Sugiharto(3); As’ad Syaifudin Ulum(4); Mohammad Mujirudin(5); Emilia Roza(6); Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman(7); Tono Saksono(8); Mohd Haris Md Khir(9);

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
(2) PT. Lintas Teknologi Evolusi
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
(4) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
(5) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
(6) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
(7) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(8) Islamic Science Research Institute
(9) Universiti Teknologi Petronas
(*) Corresponding Author



Determining the early time prayer is very fundamental for Muslims as it directly relates to the legal requirements of prayer. Prayers are not performed whenever we want, but rather there is a determination of the beginning and end of the prayer time as a guideline for Muslims to carry it out. The Indonesia government sets standards for Muslims to perform the dawn prayer service, by precisely determining the degree of the emergence of the dawn of Sadiq by -200. This study aims to compare the determination of the government's dawn time using different sensors, specifically drone cameras as image sensors. Drones were chosen due to their several advantages. The data generated by the drone is in the form of photos, which are subsequently processed using digital image processing software, called image-J. The data obtained are in the form of mean and standard deviation. All data collected in 1 day is recorded using Excel to form a graph of data which is then carried out by a polynomial approach to find out the cutoff point as the beginning of the dawn of Sadiq which indicates the start of dawn. The method used in this research is using the 4th order polynomial approach and the Sarrus method and the data obtained is the mean value and standard deviation. The conclusions obtained in the image analysis research are that the government's dawn time is 15 minutes too fast, the standard obtained in this study is -14.98° and unlike 2D SQM data, 3D drone data results in more accurate data analysis.


Cut – Off Point; Dawn of Sadiq; Drone Camera; Early Time Prayer; Image Sensor


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Copyright (c) 2023 Harry Ramza, Tossa Hario Yudhanto, Tossa Hario Yudhanto, Dedy Sugiharto, Dedy Sugiharto, As’ad Syaifudin Ulum, As’ad Syaifudin Ulum, Mohammad Mujirudin, Mohammad Mujirudin, Emilia Roza, Emilia Roza, Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Tono Saksono, Tono Saksono, Mohd Haris Md Khir, Mohd Haris Md Khir

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