Perbandingan Efisiensi Algoritma Sorting dalam Penggunaan Bandwidth

Desi Anggreani(1*); Aji Prasetya Wibawa(2); Purnawansyah Purnawansyah(3); Herman Herman(4);

(1) Universitas Negeri Malang
(2) Universitas Negeri Malang
(3) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(4) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



The most used algorithm is the sorting algorithm. There have been many popping sorting algorithms that can be used, in this study researchers took three sorting algorithms namely Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, and Merge Sort. As for this study will analyze the comparison of execution time and memory usage by considering the number of enter data of each algorithm used. The data used in this study is ukhuwah NET network bandwidth usage data connected in the Faculty of Computer Science in the form of double data types. After implementing and analyzing in terms of execution time merge sort algorithm has a faster execution time in sorting data with an average execution time value of 108.593777 ms on the 3000 data count. While in the same amount of data for the most execution time is the Selection Sort algorithm with a large execution time of 144.498144 ms, in terms of memory usage with the amount of data3000 Merge Sort Algorithm has the highest memory usage compared to the other two algorithms which is 21,444 MB while the other two algorithms have a succession of memory usage of 20,837 MB and 20,325MB.


Insertion Sort;Selection Sort;Merge Sort;Execution Time; Memory Usage


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Copyright (c) 2020 Desi Anggreani, Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Purnawansyah Purnawansyah, Herman Herman

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