Fuzzy logic algorithm and analytic network process (ANP) for boarding houses searching recommendations

Wawan Gunawan(1*);

(1) Universitas Mercu Buana
(*) Corresponding Author



Finding a boarding house is usually done manually or by visiting the boarding house in person. Several choices of boarding houses make boarding house seekers have to make choices according to the desired criteria, so it takes quite a long time. A decision support system is a system that can be used to help make decisions based on existing criteria for determining several alternatives to be selected. The methods used in this research are the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and the Fuzzy Logic method. This study employed several criteria in providing recommendations, including distance, price, facilities, security, number of spaces, parking space and convenience. The weighting of these criteria used the fuzzy logic method based on the priority scale determined by the boarding house seekers. This system has provided a recommendation for boarding houses based on the results of the calculation process using the ANP method and weighting using fuzzy logic. The result of calculations shows that the highest value was obtained by Munawar kos (boarding house) with a value of 6.55% and followed by Diding kos with a value of 6.52%.


Analytic Network Process ; Fuzzy Logic; DSS; boarding house; recommendation


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doi  https://doi.org/10.33096/ilkom.v13i1.750.18-30



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